Federal Labor’s commitment to end single use plastics
Federal Labor is courting environmentally conscious voters with a $3 million package to stop single-use plastic bottles ending up in the ocean. On the 10th of March, Opposition environment and water spokesman Tony Burke announced the partnership with Clean Oceans. The partnership will run over four years to stop plastic pollution in Australian coastal communities not through
Clean Oceans 2018-2019 Achievements
Every year, Clean Oceans takes part in numerous initiatives to stop plastics entering our oceans. This past year is no exception. Clean Oceans conduct activations and re-activations in surf life saving clubs, educating lifesavers and new generations of nippers and implementing practices to eliminate plastics off our beaches. Clean Oceans distributes reusable bottles, filtered refill stations and marketing
Message in a Bottle
Contrary to popular belief, most of the time drinking bottled water is not a healthier or smarter alternative to drinking tap water in a reusable bottle. You may be unaware of this, but if you live in Australia the water that comes out of your tap is likely to be better than the quality of bottled water that you
Have We Fallen Out Of Love With Plastic?
Plastics are everywhere. But more recently they have been on the news and not for any of the good things they provide us. Our landfills, rivers and oceans are being overrun with the stuff. We are choking our ecosystems and not one living creature has not been exposed to it. No matter where you go in the world, no
City2Surf Waste Warriors Initiative
City2Surf Waste Warriors Initiative By Jordan Pearson The Sun-Herald City2Surf presented by Westpac is the LARGEST fun run in the world and we know we have an impact on Sydney - the people, the city and of course the environment! That’s why we work closely with local councils, event and supply partners to reduce our waste. We are endeavouring to reduce and
Nippers Turning The Tide: Getting Plastic Off Our Beaches For Good
5 February 2018 A new campaign from Surf Life Saving NSW and Clean Oceans Australia is being launched this February to engage Nippers in getting plastics off our beaches. Plastic waste and garbage in our oceans is a huge environmental challenge and engaging ocean lovers when they are young with education and resources to change their behaviour is at